The operation of a hotel is really complex, and not having the right tools can make you lose a lot of money, or at least stop earning it. Thanks to our operating modules you will be able to improve the operating cost, increase sales and above all, improve the experience of your guests.
We develop solutions using the guest as the center of the process, we touch practically every area and department of the hotel that has interaction with the guest, helping the hotelier in his relationship with him.
Get to know all the operating modules available under our platform, contract them all or if you prefer, pay only for the one you really need
Efficiently solves the management of available hammocks , benefiting the client and the hotel management.
Complete module for managing reservations for Beauty Centers, Wellness Centers, Spas and Treatments . Control multiple cabins or employees, their schedules and commissions .
Efficiently manage visits and suppliers , benefiting security personnel and center management.
Get your guests to easily ask from your mobile and receive your order without delays, direct to your location.
The orders manager adapted to the sector. Most complete hotelier on the market. Room Service orders or a mini online amenities store.
Manage the availability of any available resource in the hotel, control who, when and how can book, avoid queues and offer self-management of resources.
Optimize the management of children's spaces with advanced and safe functions.
Easily manage and control the items provided in your hotel. Avoid losses and improve the guest experience with a simple and efficient system.
The best restaurant table reservation Manage the quotas , the capacity as well as the courtesies available for each guest based on their accommodation profile . Board type, Type of room, Package or agency.
Discover a new communication channel with the guest, reach them effortlessly like never before, creating punctual, scheduled or automated shipments. Sell more and effortlessly.
Still Managing Tasks and internal incidents by Whatsapp ? Discover our centralized task and incident . All tasks and incidents with their statuses and assignments to employees.
Avoid queues, collect data and decongest the reception work by allowing your guests to do the Pre-checkin before arrival at the hotel.
Tired of not having the feedback you need during your guests' stay? the opinion of guests before they leave the hotel, turn problems into positive reviews
Most of our modules can work independently and even be integrated with your App or WebAPP , however or to obtain better performance it is advisable to integrate them with our Guest APP for hotels and Resorts.
Our commercial team will be happy to assist you and offer you a complete tour of our modules. Surely our exopertíse will awaken new ideas and needs in your operation.
Calle 40, Manzana 146, Lot 1
77720 Playa del Carmen,
Quintana Roo, Mexico
Campos Elíseos 400-Planta 7, Polanco, Polanco V Secc, Miguel Hidalgo, 11550 Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico
C/ Alfarroberos Nº3, Local 17 , 38670, Adeje,
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
Carrer 25 d'Abril de 1707, nº2
03560 El Campello,
Alicante, Spain