Informative Screens

Digital signage devices in elevators, reception, lobby and even outdoors, help enormously to improve communication with the guest, particularly in the distribution of information about everything that occurs in the hotel facilities.

Header-Informative-Screens For Hotel

Create a circuit of informative screens

You can remotely manage multiple information screens in the hotel to display promotions, information, activities and the weather forecast.

Cloud Platform

Remote management of all devices thanks to our CMS, you only need a web browser for its management.

Split Screen

It allows split screen projection, thus being able to display multiple contents and information simultaneously.

Activities Schedule

If you use our Interactive Kiosks or WebApp, you can automatically publish the activities of the day or moment.

Weather Forecast

We integrate weather Api to show the weather forecast automatically.

Online / Offline

Playback is not interrupted even if the device temporarily loses signal.

Automatic Updates

Automatic software updates without service interruption.

Digital Signage Management Panel Hoteligy

Complete remote control panel.

Easily manage all the content of your TV channel through a complete cloud platform. You will only need a web browser to publish videos, images or the information you want.

Create and Organize Content

Use Digital Signage software to design and create the content you want to displayed on the screens. You can include promotions, hotel information, activities, weather forecasts, news, etc.

Schedule the Content

Set schedules for each category of content so they show up at specific times of the day. For example, you can display information about hotel activities during leisure hours and promotions during peak hours.

Remote Update

Once you have configured and scheduled the content, you can update it remotely at any time.

Punctual Content

Special Sales

Thanks to the informative screens you will be able to comfortably publish special promotions according to seasons. Valentine's Day, Christmas, Carnivals... Any excuse is a good one for a good promotion, where you won't have to use paper.

Informative Screen With Promises And Hotel Information
For Operational Information

and Regulations

Take advantage of the screens to publish operational information that is essential for the guest and above all for the proper functioning of the hotel (for example, service hours of bars, restaurants or spa). You will be able to give visibility to important information such as rules of coexistence or the restaurant's dress code.

Important Notices

Announcements and
Important Information

Giving guests crucial information about any last-minute operating adjustments or rules is usually a huge concern. Using an excellent resource such as Digital Signage to notify customers that a point of sale is closing or to remind them to follow any safety or hygiene precautions that could be necessary (in light of circumstances like the one we had with Covid) is always the best option.

Informative Screen With Promises And Hotel Information
Weather Forecast

Weather Conditions

On a daily basis, clients usually ask at the hotel reception about the weather conditions that may occur during their stay. On the screens you can easily schedule the publication of the entire weather forecast for the next 7 days. All displayed in a visual and attractive way that allows you to save time.

Frequently Asked Questions

We will try to clear up any small doubts that might remain after having read our presentation.

You can upload both videos and images to your playlist.

The playlist will continue to work even if the device does not have internet. However, it requires internet to be able to update the content.

Yes, the screen can use various types of templates to work in a divided way, providing added value.

Do you want a personalized demo?

Our commercial department will be delighted to hear from you and to give you a tour of our product so that you can see it first hand.

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