Guest Smart TV

Guest Smart TV is an innovative solution for hotels and resorts that transforms the television of the room into an information and entertainment center. Through an intuitive and easy navigation interface, guests can access a wide range of services without using other devices.

Main App Smarttv Hotel

The perfect welcome to your guests

Convert the smart TV of each room into a key tool to improve your guest's stay. It offers immediate access to hotel information, digital menus, activities and services, in addition to customized entertainment options. All in an intuitive and easy navigation interface

Auto Start

Hotel televisions can be turned on automatically when the client accesses the room

Digital letters

Hotel restaurants menus consultation with dishes and drinks details.

Activities Schedule

Automatically add information about the program of activities published on the webapp

Services Directories

Information on restaurants, bars, spa, gym and other essential services of the hotel, including schedules, locations and contact with reception.

Weather Information

Climate consultation in real time and add a dynamic widget with the weekly forecast of time at the hotel.

Flight information

Guests can consult hours of exit and arrival of flights in nearby airports to better organize their itinerary.

Self-Manageable Control Panel

A tool that allows you to efficiently manage and control the content of the web application dedicated to a hotel.


It provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface for hotel owners and staff to manage various functions and aspects related to hotel operation and promotion.

Main Cms Webapp

It allows you to comfortably manage several hotels from the same management panel.

Shared Information

Easily share and copy information between several company hotels.

Complete Statistics

Know in detail what is happening in your hotel thanks to the graphs and analytics for the use of the platform.

For points of sale

Digital Cards with QR

Goodbye to the paper menus, with our Hotel app, the restaurants and points of sale of the hotel will enjoy a complete digital and interactive letter where your guests can consult the prices of each of their products. A complete letter that goes far beyond publishing a simple online PDF.

Digital menu
For Activities, Events and Animation

Activity Program

Traditional animation panels are obsolete. With our application, your guests will enjoy easy and fast access to the entire program of activities, both during the day and at night. We have a complete interactive agenda that includes images, descriptions and schedules, with the programming of the next 7 days.

In The Rooms

Digital Directory of Room Services

With our hotel app, you will eliminate the need for the traditional paper room directory. In our app, you can centralize all the important information about your stay and room. The information will be visually presented in an appropriate way and will be available in up to 11 languages.


Frequently asked questions about the Guest Smart TV

We will try to clear up any small doubts that might remain after having read our presentation.

It is compatible with the majority of modern televisions with Internet access or through an external device that allows integration.

No, the device is installed in the hotel's communication center, and it is only there that it will be necessary to have an internet connection. preferably wired .

It is compatible with the majority of modern televisions with Internet access or through an external device that allows integration.

Do you want a personalized demo?

Our commercial department will be delighted to hear from you and to give you a tour of our product so that you can see it first hand.

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